Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Greetings all - Cassandra's Dream is the name of a boat and two close brothers played by Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor purchase. Their world is suddenly turned upside down when their uncle (played by the always enjoyable Tom Wilkinson) asks them to murder a colleague of his. As part of the subset of films Woody Allen did in London, this one stands out imo even better than Match Point which is a great film but subtle in it's overtones whereas this film has a small cast and the tension is turned up, making it a more exciting film. Using my Pinewoods Rating System, Cassandra's Dream get a modest and appropriate Three Pinewoods....The Horror!!

Cassandra's Dream [2007]

"Being rescued is one of my wicked dreams" I went into the Toronto Film Fest screening of Woody Allen's latest movie Cassandra's Dream completely void of knowing anything about it. With no other preconception besides the fact that I really enjoyed Match Point , I sat down to see what was in store this time around.

DVD of the Week: Cassandra's Dream - The New Yorker

In the clip above, I discuss Woody Allen's 2007 drama "Cassandra's Dream," which I described at the time of its release as "the best of his later films and one of his best films ever." My enthusiasm for the film wasn't shared by most critics, who saw Allen's rapid pacing, indifference to the particulars of London social life, and forthrightly bleak world view as faults.


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