Tuesday, January 27, 2015

around this next corner, "I AM ALIVE: SURVIVING THE ANDES PLANE CRASH"! - 2010 Television Doc originally premiered on The History Channel and then on DVD is by far and above the Greatest Telling of the Legendary Survival Story....THE HORROR!!

Above picture taken of the actual Andes survivors.
Note the human skeleton remains, bottom right.
The Horror!!
Seriously though, I remember being entranced with this
story as early as the late 70's when I read the book Alive
and used to stay up past bedtime with a flashlight under
sheet finishing the harrowing tale. I've seen both major
movie versions, have them in my collection and like
and dislike them for various reasons. But this TV
doc put out in 2010 and supervised by Nando
tells the story the way it should be- with lots of
precise details from start to end. A lot of stuff
left out of both movie versions is covered and
I really like how they spent time telling the 
very last day of their journey when they
meet the farmer across the river and 
are saved. Great stuff, and using my Palm 
Springs Rating System I gotta give this 
one a healthy four Palm Trees
FULL MOVIE - found this upped on You Tube.
The Horror!!

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